Is your money a reflection of the impact you’re having in the world?

Is your money a reflection of the impact you’re having in the world?

What if your money was a reflection of the impact you’re having in the world?

This thought came to me last night as I was briefly reflecting on my goals for 2021 and beyond. My audacious goals. 

Money is often an easy way to measure success, but it really is simply a symptom of the work you’re doing. 

More importantly, of the reach you’re having. As a six-figure business owner, you have overcome loads of hurdles and have made the decision that you’re here to stay. 

You’ve overcome limiting belief and mindset challenges, taken radical responsibility for your life and business, and you have a big, bold vision or dream for your business.

You’re here, in your community, virtually or locally, to lead. The money is simply a reflection of the amount of people you’re impacting in a positive way. 

The more visible you are, the more people want to work with you, and the more lives you have the opportunity of changing for the better. 

But as you hit six-figures, certain obstacles become apparent… 

FIRST – You begin to realize that you can’t or don’t want to do it all yourself. So you bring on team members which inadvertently can cause problems you didn’t anticipate. 

Your leadership skills hit the end of the leash quickly. There is miscommunication and you’re constantly picking up the slack. 

You’re stuck not knowing how to better manage your team – that you love – more confidently efficiently.  

SECOND – You might be bringing a six-figure revenue, but you aren’t paying yourself. Or you’re not setting aside a legitimate profit. 

Expenses are high and each month you’re worried about meeting payroll. 

If you don’t have team members yet, you’re worried that bringing someone on would mean less money and more pressure for you. 

Your smorgasbord (I googled how to spell that one) of services are not attracting your most ideal clients, are confusing your team making it hard for them to sell on your behalf, and are simply not profitable at the end of the day.

THIRD – You’re burnt out. This is the scariest in my opinion. You’re overcommitted with no end in sight. Of course, by anyone’s standards – you’re “successful.” 

Your dream seems out of reach with all these other responsibilities you’re juggling. 

You are not able to serve your community like you expected because you’re burdened by all the administrative work that comes with running a business. 

Trust me when I say that you burning out is NOT okay. You are the leader. You are needed. But you are totally CAPABLE of overcoming this. 

You are powerful. You are valuable. You are worthy of taking care of yourself because without you – nothing else can exist. 

YOU are the one thing that matters in your business. And you must give yourself some freaking credit! 

You have to trust your gut. 

You have to empower yourself. 

You can totally do things your way and see massive success. 

But you have to let yourself do it, think it, and see it. 

Guess what… 

You CAN empower your team to operate the business each day. So you can step back and do the work you love. 

You CAN allow yourself to take time off. And you CAN pay yourself well. 

You CAN streamline your services and processes for higher profit margins. 

You CAN attract ideal clients that are happy to pay what you ask, want to work with you, and DO the work it takes to see the results they want with their dog. 

I had a client tell me this last night…

“I had three people sign up… and people say that they don’t care how much, they just want to work with me! I’m so excited for this transition away from the daycare!” WOW – that’s what it is all about. Knowing your value so deeply that people can SEE it and WANT it without question. 

They will figure out how to pay whatever you ask because they KNOW it will be worth it. 

This is not unusual for my clients. 

If this is a transformation you’d like to experience, I’ve got a special one-page cheat sheet that you’ll LOVE that outlines all the important factors of a multi-six-figure business – send me a private message with your email & your revenue goal for 2021 –> (Please give me a day or two to get back to you, I’m getting lots of messages!)

(NOTE: This is only for people that have earned at least $8k in one month in the last 12 months. If you’re not quite there yet, no worries! 

What Pet Parents Expect When Working with Trainers

What Pet Parents Expect When Working with Trainers

While most of us entered the industry purely for the love of dogs, it doesn’t mean that our days would only be spent with our adorable furry friends. A huge part of the business is managing pet parents and seeing results from their hard work. It also means meeting their expectations and ensuring that their needs are met.

Here are some of the most common things that they expect when working with a trainer:

They wanted to feel assured that they hired the right person

When someone hires a professional, they are looking for guidance on finding a solution to their concerns. Pet parents expect the same. They wanted to feel assured that there is hope and there is an opportunity to improve their life as a result of what you have recommended. 

It’s easy to get lost and dive right into the steps that they need to take, but also remember to take their emotions into consideration. Remember to reassure them whenever you can. Give them hope and energize them before you go through the training process.

They want to keep things simple

Most pet parents come in sessions with not much knowledge. They hired you because they needed help, and it’s important to keep this in mind. If possible, give them tools and strategies right away, something that they can quickly implement to see some sort of relief from their current situation. Even tips as simple as blocking the windows to lessen their dog’s barking are something that they would appreciate. These things, while seemingly common sense for us, are something that pet owners might not be aware of. Remember: just because the technique is simple doesn’t mean it’s not effective.

They want a no-judgment zone

They have reached out to you for help and they admit that they are not doing great in the pet parenting department. The last thing that they need is feeling like they’re judged for their shortcomings.

I understand that we deal with many pet parents and dogs every single day and that can cause compassion fatigue. You may feel like you’re faced with the same concern over and over and that’s totally normal. But remember, if you are to meet with a client, take time to pause and breathe. Go to your compassion zone and be mindful of your words and body language. Put yourself in their shoes and come to their home with no assumptions.

They want to understand your methods

You may want to go on and geek out on the possible ways on how to train your client’s dog, but remember– these people are not the most familiar with jargon and terminologies. Instead, explain your methods in a way that even a 5-year-old would understand. If a pet parent knows the logic behind your program, it would be easier for them to make sense out of it, and it will be faster for the both of you to see your desired results.

They expect a good customer experience

They reached out to you because you are a professional. You’re not just a dog trainer and a dog lover– you are someone that they can trust to achieve the results that they need. Pet parents want to receive customer service that would make them feel supported. They want to feel heard with their concerns, and they want to find confidence in your methods.

A lot of times when we are starting out, we take the training day by day. But as we go along and we start taking more clients, patterns can come up and it will help you find a better structure on how you can showcase your expertise as a professional.

They want someone that cares

If they know that you deeply care for their dogs, chances are, they would trust you more for the job that you do. It helps them feel comfortable and at ease, giving you a better chance to explore methods and achieve faster results. Having that connection also helps you to better articulate and communicate your services. Knowing that you sincerely care would help them feel engaged in the program.

I hope these tips were helpful for you! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. You can get in touch with me through my social media and website,

Finally, if you’re ready to really take your business to a whole new level, increase your income, work with people you love, and take control of your time, connect with us HERE and let us know where your at with your business. One of our Lead Advisors will reach and start the conversation to see if we’re a good fit. 

Why You’re Booked Out but Burnt Out and Unhappy

Why You’re Booked Out but Burnt Out and Unhappy

At The Modern Dog Trainer, we focus on increasing your profitability and creating a sustainable model for your business. It’s challenging to get fully booked, but what’s more challenging is how you manage your clients once you’re all booked out.

It is something that I’ve personally seen with business owners– they set up their business, they get booked out, but they end up being burnt out, and ultimately, close down to keep their sanity intact. Burnout is one of the major reasons why people quit this industry. You may encounter many bottlenecks as a business owner, especially since we’re not only doing the dog training here: we’re also the account managers, the marketing, the admin, and everything else in our business. It doesn’t always have to be stressful. There are a myriad of ways that you could help clients and grow your business without sacrificing your sanity. 

Here are some of my tips to help you prevent burnout and find sustainability and enjoyment in your work.


Amid the busy schedules and unending to-do lists, you might have forgotten the joy and the whys of your business. If you feel like you’re on the brink of burnout, take some time to refresh your vision. Remind yourself why you wanted to have this business, why you started in the first place. 

Sometimes, shifting perspective can help ease the stress. Get clear on who you want to serve, why it matters to you, and why it matters to your clients. Having a clear vision will motivate you to keep going and help you decide on your priorities, and even say no to situations that no longer align with your values and mission.


If your calendar is all booked out, you may no longer be familiar with your boundaries. You might be too busy taking care of all your responsibilities, keeping up with your clients’ demands, and ensuring that your business is profitable. 

Set expectations with your clients early on and reiterate the things that they can expect from you. Don’t be afraid to let them know your hours, and make sure that you also honor your break times. More than anything, respect your boundaries. Give yourself some time off– you deserve it!


If you catch yourself repeating and explaining things over and over, chances are, there’s something you can improve in your process. It’s either you’re not optimizing what you have, or there are parts that you can ultimately automate to help things become faster. 

Use technology to your advantage and automate whenever you can to make your processes more sustainable, leaving you with more time to focus on what’s important. Instead of crafting the same e-mail for the nth time, or coming up with a response to the same list of questions, prepare an FAQ and save some templates. This helps make work faster and makes your processes more sustainable in the long run.


If you’re fully booked, and you still handle every little thing in your business, then perhaps this is a sign to explore having team members. If you have existing ones, then you might want to reassess what they’re currently doing and how you can better improve your process as a business. 

Growing means scaling, and that means adding more people to your team. Just make sure that they’re the right fit for you, too! This is something I help my Chief Executive Trainer program students with! Often, they have team members, but their team is not operating to the maximum potential and creates more work for them.


One of the many drawbacks for entrepreneurs is not counting their time-off as part of the operations. Aside from that, many also fail to account for the time that they spend on the backend. 

If you’re a dog trainer, you might be juggling many things at once, and if you are charging by the hour, then this work may not be paid at all. When coming up with your pricing and strategies, account for everything you’re doing, not just the time spent directly with clients.. You’re not only training dogs here; you are managing a business.


Many dog trainers are charging by the hour, but the game-changer for the businesses that I’ve handled is exploring programs charged by the results they provide. Don’t settle for less. You know that your time is precious, but if you work this way, you’ll always find yourself exhausting your hours just to meet your targets. If you charge by program, you can enjoy extra hours as long as you get the job done and deliver on a great customer experience.


Instead of fighting off the exhaustion, maybe it’s time to acknowledge that what we’re doing here is hard, and that’s normal. There will be days when you won’t perform at your best, but forgive yourself. Don’t be too hard if you fail or if you need breaks– we’re all humans, and we need to recharge whenever needed. Just keep doing your best, be honest with your clients, and be honest with yourself. It’s all going to work out.

I hope you found some helpful takeaways for you and your business. If you have any other tips, feel free to reach out to us

4 Tips on How to Use Social Media to Attract Your Ideal Clients

4 Tips on How to Use Social Media to Attract Your Ideal Clients

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of SEO & a good website. However, when you need clients today – social media is critical.

You can use organic (read: free) social media strategies to generate clients for your business this week. You’re on social media all the time, but you’re just not talking to the right people. You aren’t being found by potential clients.

You’re totally stumped when it comes to using Facebook or Instagram to generate clients without ads. You have availability for new clients, but no way of filling up those slots quickly without running ads or just wishing your phone would ring.

I’m happy to put the power back in your hands. If you’re like me, you like knowing you can switch on new client inquiries when you want them.

Not only just inquiries – but inquiries from ideal clients that are ready and able to work with you. So let’s get into HOW to use social media to get yourself some clients.

1) Be yourself.
This is the only way to attract people that will enjoy working with you! Embrace the fact that you run your own business – you’re the CEO and the service-provider so your clients need to SEE you and appreciate who you are. They aren’t hiring a business, they are hiring you. Its personal. You’ll be in their home, working with their family, they need to know and like who you are. They can’t embrace you if you don’t embrace you!

2) Be consistent.
Share valuable thoughts and invitations to work with you consistently. Daily. Indefinitely. Being consistent is even more important than being perfect. Your ideal clients won’t get tired of seeing your thoughts. And due to the social media algorithms, they won’t even see every post. But you have to be a leader in your community to build interest in what you have to offer.

3) Don’t worry about being sales-y.
This is something I’ve had to overcome as well! I never want people to miss out on getting the help they need because they are distracted by sales content. BUT – we’re running businesses are we not? Your work has to result in clients and income, right? If not, then you’re running an unofficial non-profit. The truth is that when you focus on serving people – on helping them – you do not need to worry about being sale-y.

Those that are ready to invest in a solution to relieve themselves of a problem – they don’t mind. They’re waiting around for the little push to commit and officially work with you. They’re ready to have their hands held through the training process. Those that are bothered by the invitations to work with you? They aren’t your ideal clients, right?

4) Connect with ideal clients.
This piece is often forgotten! In the beginning, you have to be the one reaching out to connect with potential clients. You have to get eyes on your content. There are ways you can do this so that people welcome the invitation to connect with you.

You can do this with grace and without getting kicked out of groups. It includes being human on the internet. Having honest conversations in discussions. And positioning yourself as a real human that happens to be a professional that cares.

I walk all my students through this process so that they know what/ where/ when/ how to post valuable content that drives sales.

I have a system and templates that all my students get access to. If you’d like an invitation to join my program and take control of how and when you get new clients, send me a private message and tell me about yourself with why now is a good time to get your business moving.

Interview with Chris Roy: Animal Innovations

Interview with Chris Roy: Animal Innovations


Animal Innovations Interview: Episode 22, Outline

Q: Who are you and how are you helping animals?
A: I am the founder of The Modern Dog Trainer and I help skilled trainers build a sustainable and profitable 6- figure business.

Q: What do you help your clients with?
A: The business end of the industry. Marketing, how to attract clients, profitable packages, efficient systems, better customer service, higher referral rate, open opportunities, increased resources, increased profit and time and a sustainable business engaging in better relationships with your dogs and clients. It incorporates things like ‘how to teach a group class’, ‘how to onboard clients’, and ‘how to run private lessons’. 

Q: What do you offer?
A: I started out with one on one individual coaching and it lead to a group program and then evolved into The Modern Dog Training Program. I offer skilled trainers to be rewarded with higher profits and more time with their families. Offering sustainability in doing what you’re passionate about and having a balance in life to make all ends meet and have spare time. 

Q: What is the focus for your clients?
A: For clients to get the most out of their education, business marketing sales expertise, a better customer journey and a sustainable business. I want them to be the best trainer within their community. Leveling up yourself and your business+ a level up in the industry. Doubling their rates and allowing more time for family.Their success is my success.

Q: Changes since the pandemic?
A: 90% of trainers went virtual. I added a workshop and I have embraced and adapted to modify effectively to cater naturally to what my clients need and ask for. The upside to this change is it eliminates travel time and it is a flexible, enjoyable & engaging process while you can still be home with your own dogs!

Q: How did it start?
A: I was a crossover trainer and I grew to use science based methods. I started by sharing advice and answering questions to my clients and that lead to my online platform. I went from creating blogs to courses and transitioning it all into the Academy. 

Q: When was your business founded?
A: June 2020.

Q: What is next?
A: I will grow the Academy Program as well as my Chief Executive Program ( a program delegated to helping trainers build a solid team and increase growth passed 6 figures) and expand all in one for dog trainers and continue to connect with clients in a modern manner. I am partnering with a new software called “bubby” to put everything in one place.

Q: What have you learned about yourself?
A: Learning never ends, as training is alike. There is always a level up and its an ongoing process. I learned how important mindset is and allowing good things to happen.

Q: Where do I go for more information about this?

A: and my Facebook group,
Business Support by The Modern Dog Trainer- live trainings & freebies


How to Set Boundaries with Pet Parents

How to Set Boundaries with Pet Parents

As dog trainers, we are asked to wear multiple hats — from working on our operations to ensuring that dogs receive the care that they need, up to dealing with pet parents. When I started in the business, one of my biggest challenges was managing boundaries with my clients. I’d work anytime if it were convenient for them.

For most new trainers, a common mistake is having pet parents run the relationship. They dictate what’s needed, or sometimes, request too much. When in reality, the trainers must take the lead. As experts and professionals, it falls under our responsibility to give our recommendations to receive the best possible service for their needs.

However, having zero boundaries does not happen overnight. Here are some things that can happen:

We have no limits and expectations set with our pet parents to begin with.

We have mismatched expectations, and we’re running on our assumptions about each other.

We might be too lenient and too accommodating, bending over backward for our clients all the time.

The biggest problem here is that we risk burning out quickly. If we do not set expectations and schedule our lives around our clients, we might feel exhausted and often feel resentful to our clients. Is this sounding familiar? Then perhaps it’s time for us to set some boundaries.

How to Set Effective Boundaries

Know your schedule and stick to it.

Be proactive in setting your boundaries by having a fixed work schedule—set expectations about when you’ll be able to take on meetings and follow through. 

Remember: your free time does not mean you’re available. Save time for yourself.

Tell people how to contact you and set expectations on when they can expect a response.

Let them know if you prefer to receive questions via email rather than via social media. If you are doing emails, set an autoresponder to let them know when you will respond to them (tip: it must be within your working hours!).

Explain what would happen if they are unable to follow through with their homework.

Give tips ahead of time and prepare easy-to-follow actions should they encounter unexpected situations. If they are prepared to take on the homework, they will be less likely to get in touch outside of working hours.

You might need to rethink your pricing.

A possible reason why boundaries might be disrespected is that you are pricing yourself way too low. Perhaps they are not as committed because they don’t understand the value of what they’re paying for. Price very often determines someone’s commitment to the work they need to put in… Make sure your price helps people understand the responsibility they are taking on. 

I hope you found some helpful takeaways for you and your business!

The Modern Dog Trainer Signature Edition of Pocketsuite

The Modern Dog Trainer Signature Edition of Pocketsuite

It’s here! We’ve officially announced the release of The Modern Dog Trainer Signature Edition of Pocketsuite.

Click the following link ON YOUR MOBILE device to sign up for this signature edition.

I’m extremely cautious when it comes to who I align myself with because I want the absolute best for my community.

The reason I chose to accept this project with Pocketsuite is because of their commitment to their users.

  • They are constantly adding and improving their features based on requests.
  • They are integrating automation to take a load off of busy small business owners.
  • Their customer support team is bar-none. You get to speak to real people on their team!

They launched a desktop / browser-based version of their app so you can use it on your computer instead of just your phone.
And so much more!

They have demonstrated their commitment to the dog training industry, even though it isn’t their only industry using their platform.

In this signature edition, we’ve included forms, policies, and example programs that align with the best practices we teach our very own students. You’ll also receive monthly tips and strategies from me right within the app!

Click the following link ON YOUR MOBILE device to sign up for this signature edition.

(Do not start the registration process on a desktop. And keep in mind that Pocketsuite is only available in USA only at the moment.)

If you already use it, you have to message the help chat within the app that you’d like to switch to The Modern Dog Trainer Signature Edition.

The Ultimate Dog Trainer Website Template

The Ultimate Dog Trainer Website Template

Can you guess what holds my students (and future students) back more than anything?

Wasting time on “productive” work that actually WON’T move the needle.

Work that won’t generate you a new client.

Work that won’t make you a sale.

Work that takes time but won’t actually get you to six figures doing what you love.

Work that won’t put you in front of potential people that need YOUR help with their dogs.

I’m not judging – I did the EXACT same thing when I was first starting out.

What’s the number one thing people spend their time on that they shouldn’t?


How many hours have you wasted tweaking, editing, stitching up your website?

The truth is that a website is an AWESOME tool to collect potential clients.

Notice I said, “collect.”

Not “generate.”

Because a website is your (virtual) storefront.

But if there is no road that goes by or to your store, then you’re out on an island.

No one knows you exist.

So you have to build the road – you have to generate traffic to your website using other means.

You can’t just expect to set up a website and then immediately start generating potential clients from it.

It can take months for Google to pick it up. And personally, I prefer to have total control over when and where my next client is coming from.

When we talk to potential students about whether or not The Modern Dog Trainer Academy program is the right fit for them, we sometimes hear that they are weighing their options between a new website and joining the Academy.

So I’ve decided to make this a no-brainer decision!

I cannot stand to see wonderful, talented trainers wasting time, money, and energy on a website that isn’t even going to be seen because there is no cohesive marketing strategy behind it.

(Again, I’ve been there!)

So I’m eliminating this decision by simply including a website template in The Modern Dog Trainer Academy effective immediately!

Now you can learn how to run your business and have a website published all within one program!

This beautiful website template was designed with my direction.

It follows the best practices I recommend to all my students. (I have over a decade of digital marketing experience and have consulted billion-dollar corporations on how to design/improve their websites back in the day when I worked in corporate America.)

With this website template, you can now set up a beautiful, effective website in ONE day instead of weeks.

So that you DON’T have to choose between a website and an education to build a business that will support you for years to come.

Here are a few details about this template:

  • It is optimized for Search Engine Optimization. Google will easily understand your website so that your business will show up for your location and service types.
  • It is optimized for conversions! Your website visitors will be funneled into reaching out to you to learn more about your services without getting lost or confused.
  • It is built on Wix which means it is easy to edit and tweak whenever you need without the help of a marketing expert.

To create this template for our students, we partnered with the fabulous Mikaela Vargas of Pet Marketing Unleashed because she is extremely familiar with the pet industry after designing and building hundreds of pet sitting and dog walking websites.

  • She makes absolutely beautiful website designs for her clients.
  • Her team is extremely responsive, helpful, and committed to their customers.
  • She has the perfect balance of knowing the technical side and the design side of creating a website that is effective! (Some website designers are either good at one or the other.)

At this point, I know you’re dying to see what this template looks like! Here’s a snapshot:

  • We love this dog trainer website template because it has:
  • A clean layout
  • A mobile-friendly functionality
  • Been designed to build credibility with strategic places for your testimonials.
  • Been designed to get people to book a call with you instead of simply filling out a form.
  • A clear call to action so visitors know exactly what their next step is if they want to move forward with dog training with you.

There is NO other dog training website template out there like it.

I am so proud to be able to offer this to my Academy students now so that they can focus on the needle-moving activities in their business.

This template is ONLY available to my Academy students. Because a website does NOT make a business.

I want you to have all the moving pieces to actually create a business that is profitable and sustainable. What other moving pieces am I talking about?

  • A marketing plan to generate website visitors! (And then get them on your list so they become paying clients.)
  • Services designed for your ideal clients at a price point that makes more sense than hourly pricing models.
  • A clear understanding of what your ideal business even looks like and how to design it with intention from the get-go.
  • An understanding of how your own mindset, not “strategy,” can hold you back and how to overcome your own limiting beliefs.
  • And so much more.

I’ve created The Modern Dog Trainer Academy to be the LAST “how to start and run successful dog training business” program you’ll ever have to buy.


Those who apply to & join The Modern Dog Trainer Academy before December 31, 2021 will be eligible for:

  • Current pricing! (Prices will be going up in January 2022 because of this massive addition to the program.)
  • A complimentary website audit by Ines, to be delivered by end of March 2022 so that you can make sure your new site will speak to your ideal clients.

Apply to learn more about The Modern Dog Trainer Academy and receive a complimentary strategy session: Click Here!

We can’t wait to get to know you and help you level up in your dog training business.

Invest while the going’s good

Invest while the going’s good

It’s no surprise to anyone these days when I say there is a huge pandemic puppy boom that is now turning into a separation anxiety catastrophe.
Business is going really well for trainers right now… but how much are you leaving on the table?
And how long will this last?
Let’s chat about that for a minute.
If you haven’t been proactive and intentional about the structure of your business, you’re likely close to burning out and overwhelmed by the demand right now.
If you haven’t taken the time to raise your prices lately, you could be missing out on thousands of dollars of income.
And since I’m also into personal finance, I’ll take that a step further…
If you’re not earning the extra $3000 a month you could (and should) be right now, you’re missing out on a LOT of savings…
If you invest $3,000 per month over the course of 30 years, you’d end up with $3,423,425.07 (at a 7% interest rate).
I say this because when you build a six-figure business, you have the ability to invest and save.
Even just $1000 a month turns into $1,141,141.69 over 30 years.
It demonstrates the return of investing in YOURSELF and your business. When you empower yourself to not only give yourself permission to have a sustainable schedule but also charge more, you are impacting the rest of your life.  (Not to mention – this is SO important for women.)
An investment in yourself now – while you have some time – could be the move that sets you up for life.
How would that impact your life?
Would you donate more to your favorite causes?
Create a legacy that your family could live off of forever?
Would you create a non-profit to help those in need but can’t afford training services?
It all starts with giving yourself permission to want more and believing you CAN have more.
Now let’s talk about how long we think this will last? And does it matter?
The demand for dog training has never been so high.
This is, unfortunately, a good problem for us.
But it could also mean the end of the road for a lot of great trainers if you don’t take care of yourself.
Burnout is REAL in this industry. Compassion fatigue is hitting most of us HARD right now.
You’re running around all over town barely making it on time to your appointments.
People are calling you for help at all hours of the day.
There are just not enough hours in the day to get everything done and things are falling through the cracks.
Your clients are not getting the best experience because you’re stretched so thin.
What weighs heavily on your mind is that this demand might stall – that it is just a fluke.
So you should be looking at what you can do to maintain this new growth but instead, you’re burnt out and exhausted every day with no brain space to think things through.
You haven’t made time to be CEO, but you’re stuck in dog trainer mode.
Now is the time that you have to figure out how to capitalize and sustain this new growth for years to come.
This is what I teach my students.
How to create a schedule that fulfills them personally and professionally while hitting consistent 6K- 8K+ months.
That allows time for FUN and being the CEO AND being the dog trainer.
How to create a schedule that allows time for hikes with your dog or roller derby. (I have fun clients!)
Because after all, you started this business to make your own schedule.
To help dogs.
To help people connect with their dogs.
To be your own boss.
And to make a better living than you could be working for someone else.
Invest in yourself and your business while things are going well. Don’t wait for things to slow down before you panic buy something that may or may not help.
The benefit of the Academy is it is *lifetime access.* So you really can go at your own pace, even if you’re crazy busy right now. Of course, most are motivated to get the first few modules done quickly to see the results quickly, but I don’t rush you at all.
You can watch the materials at your own convenience, chat with coach Megan at your convenience, and attend the coaching calls when you can. 🙂
You will:
  • Identify who you LOVE working with.
  • Decide on a schedule that fulfills you.
  • Design a service that makes you happy and delivers amazing results for your clients! And that turns happy clients into a steady source of referrals.
  • Confidently charge more for your services and sell to ideal clients with ease.
  • Create systems that save you time so you can take time off.
  • Know exactly what to do to sustain this growth for YEARS to come – now THAT is an awesome return on your investment!
It’s truly awesome!
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Take the Pet Parent Pledge for National Pet Parents Day

Take the Pet Parent Pledge for National Pet Parents Day

Today we are officially announcing our group initiative to bring attention to the care and consideration we should be putting towards the pet parents we work with each and every day. 

This month, The Modern Dog Trainer, the IAABC Foundation, the CCPDT, and the APDT are highlighting just how much our TWO-legged clients matter as a tribute to National Pet Parents Day (April 25). 

When our pet parents succeed, we all succeed in delivering great results and we become the go-to experts in our communities. 

When we are intentional about serving our pet parents as much as the pets themselves… 

we can serve more clients with joy and enthusiasm. 

we create happier clients that refer more friends and family. 

→ we get to help more animals in the process. 

When we take the #PetParentPledge, we are committing to these three best practices:

  1. We’re Responsive – We receive all clients and potential clients with compassion and kindness. We guide human clients through the training process, understand and meet their unique needs whenever possible, provide a great experience, and deliver excellent results.
  1. We’re Visible – We’re present and active online to demonstrate what science-based training can achieve so we can show clients what they might expect, encourage pet parents to seek help, and demonstrate the value of working with qualified, educated professionals.
  2. We’re Professional – We assess and provide the services that our clients need to realize the best results with their pets. By doing so, I support my clients, my business, and the training community as a whole.

So… Will you join us? 

→ Record a 20 second video sharing what you do in your training business to improve the learning process for the human end of the work you do and share it with the hashtag #petparentpledge ← 

We’ll be watching and reposting so promote your efforts to consider and care for the human end of the training experience! 

Good work shouldn’t go unrewarded so EACH full week in April we’ll be randomly picking one participant (using the hashtag) to receive…

Three IAABC Foundation courses 


The Modern Dog Trainers’ Dog Training Client Lifecycle Roadmap Bundle ($400 Value)! 

We can’t wait to see how YOU are helping the human end of the leash through your work, business, and expertise. Post those video submissions! 

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