Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of SEO & a good website. However, when you need clients today – social media is critical.

You can use organic (read: free) social media strategies to generate clients for your business this week. You’re on social media all the time, but you’re just not talking to the right people. You aren’t being found by potential clients.

You’re totally stumped when it comes to using Facebook or Instagram to generate clients without ads. You have availability for new clients, but no way of filling up those slots quickly without running ads or just wishing your phone would ring.

I’m happy to put the power back in your hands. If you’re like me, you like knowing you can switch on new client inquiries when you want them.

Not only just inquiries – but inquiries from ideal clients that are ready and able to work with you. So let’s get into HOW to use social media to get yourself some clients.

1) Be yourself.
This is the only way to attract people that will enjoy working with you! Embrace the fact that you run your own business – you’re the CEO and the service-provider so your clients need to SEE you and appreciate who you are. They aren’t hiring a business, they are hiring you. Its personal. You’ll be in their home, working with their family, they need to know and like who you are. They can’t embrace you if you don’t embrace you!

2) Be consistent.
Share valuable thoughts and invitations to work with you consistently. Daily. Indefinitely. Being consistent is even more important than being perfect. Your ideal clients won’t get tired of seeing your thoughts. And due to the social media algorithms, they won’t even see every post. But you have to be a leader in your community to build interest in what you have to offer.

3) Don’t worry about being sales-y.
This is something I’ve had to overcome as well! I never want people to miss out on getting the help they need because they are distracted by sales content. BUT – we’re running businesses are we not? Your work has to result in clients and income, right? If not, then you’re running an unofficial non-profit. The truth is that when you focus on serving people – on helping them – you do not need to worry about being sale-y.

Those that are ready to invest in a solution to relieve themselves of a problem – they don’t mind. They’re waiting around for the little push to commit and officially work with you. They’re ready to have their hands held through the training process. Those that are bothered by the invitations to work with you? They aren’t your ideal clients, right?

4) Connect with ideal clients.
This piece is often forgotten! In the beginning, you have to be the one reaching out to connect with potential clients. You have to get eyes on your content. There are ways you can do this so that people welcome the invitation to connect with you.

You can do this with grace and without getting kicked out of groups. It includes being human on the internet. Having honest conversations in discussions. And positioning yourself as a real human that happens to be a professional that cares.

I walk all my students through this process so that they know what/ where/ when/ how to post valuable content that drives sales.

I have a system and templates that all my students get access to. If you’d like an invitation to join my program and take control of how and when you get new clients, send me a private message and tell me about yourself with why now is a good time to get your business moving.

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