While most of us entered the industry purely for the love of dogs, it doesn’t mean that our days would only be spent with our adorable furry friends. A huge part of the business is managing pet parents and seeing results from their hard work. It also means meeting their expectations and ensuring that their needs are met.

Here are some of the most common things that they expect when working with a trainer:

They wanted to feel assured that they hired the right person

When someone hires a professional, they are looking for guidance on finding a solution to their concerns. Pet parents expect the same. They wanted to feel assured that there is hope and there is an opportunity to improve their life as a result of what you have recommended. 

It’s easy to get lost and dive right into the steps that they need to take, but also remember to take their emotions into consideration. Remember to reassure them whenever you can. Give them hope and energize them before you go through the training process.

They want to keep things simple

Most pet parents come in sessions with not much knowledge. They hired you because they needed help, and it’s important to keep this in mind. If possible, give them tools and strategies right away, something that they can quickly implement to see some sort of relief from their current situation. Even tips as simple as blocking the windows to lessen their dog’s barking are something that they would appreciate. These things, while seemingly common sense for us, are something that pet owners might not be aware of. Remember: just because the technique is simple doesn’t mean it’s not effective.

They want a no-judgment zone

They have reached out to you for help and they admit that they are not doing great in the pet parenting department. The last thing that they need is feeling like they’re judged for their shortcomings.

I understand that we deal with many pet parents and dogs every single day and that can cause compassion fatigue. You may feel like you’re faced with the same concern over and over and that’s totally normal. But remember, if you are to meet with a client, take time to pause and breathe. Go to your compassion zone and be mindful of your words and body language. Put yourself in their shoes and come to their home with no assumptions.

They want to understand your methods

You may want to go on and geek out on the possible ways on how to train your client’s dog, but remember– these people are not the most familiar with jargon and terminologies. Instead, explain your methods in a way that even a 5-year-old would understand. If a pet parent knows the logic behind your program, it would be easier for them to make sense out of it, and it will be faster for the both of you to see your desired results.

They expect a good customer experience

They reached out to you because you are a professional. You’re not just a dog trainer and a dog lover– you are someone that they can trust to achieve the results that they need. Pet parents want to receive customer service that would make them feel supported. They want to feel heard with their concerns, and they want to find confidence in your methods.

A lot of times when we are starting out, we take the training day by day. But as we go along and we start taking more clients, patterns can come up and it will help you find a better structure on how you can showcase your expertise as a professional.

They want someone that cares

If they know that you deeply care for their dogs, chances are, they would trust you more for the job that you do. It helps them feel comfortable and at ease, giving you a better chance to explore methods and achieve faster results. Having that connection also helps you to better articulate and communicate your services. Knowing that you sincerely care would help them feel engaged in the program.

I hope these tips were helpful for you! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. You can get in touch with me through my social media and website, themoderndogtrainer.net.

Finally, if you’re ready to really take your business to a whole new level, increase your income, work with people you love, and take control of your time, connect with us HERE and let us know where your at with your business. One of our Lead Advisors will reach and start the conversation to see if we’re a good fit. 

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