What if your money was a reflection of the impact you’re having in the world?

This thought came to me last night as I was briefly reflecting on my goals for 2021 and beyond. My audacious goals. 

Money is often an easy way to measure success, but it really is simply a symptom of the work you’re doing. 

More importantly, of the reach you’re having. As a six-figure business owner, you have overcome loads of hurdles and have made the decision that you’re here to stay. 

You’ve overcome limiting belief and mindset challenges, taken radical responsibility for your life and business, and you have a big, bold vision or dream for your business.

You’re here, in your community, virtually or locally, to lead. The money is simply a reflection of the amount of people you’re impacting in a positive way. 

The more visible you are, the more people want to work with you, and the more lives you have the opportunity of changing for the better. 

But as you hit six-figures, certain obstacles become apparent… 

FIRST – You begin to realize that you can’t or don’t want to do it all yourself. So you bring on team members which inadvertently can cause problems you didn’t anticipate. 

Your leadership skills hit the end of the leash quickly. There is miscommunication and you’re constantly picking up the slack. 

You’re stuck not knowing how to better manage your team – that you love – more confidently efficiently.  

SECOND – You might be bringing a six-figure revenue, but you aren’t paying yourself. Or you’re not setting aside a legitimate profit. 

Expenses are high and each month you’re worried about meeting payroll. 

If you don’t have team members yet, you’re worried that bringing someone on would mean less money and more pressure for you. 

Your smorgasbord (I googled how to spell that one) of services are not attracting your most ideal clients, are confusing your team making it hard for them to sell on your behalf, and are simply not profitable at the end of the day.

THIRD – You’re burnt out. This is the scariest in my opinion. You’re overcommitted with no end in sight. Of course, by anyone’s standards – you’re “successful.” 

Your dream seems out of reach with all these other responsibilities you’re juggling. 

You are not able to serve your community like you expected because you’re burdened by all the administrative work that comes with running a business. 

Trust me when I say that you burning out is NOT okay. You are the leader. You are needed. But you are totally CAPABLE of overcoming this. 

You are powerful. You are valuable. You are worthy of taking care of yourself because without you – nothing else can exist. 

YOU are the one thing that matters in your business. And you must give yourself some freaking credit! 

You have to trust your gut. 

You have to empower yourself. 

You can totally do things your way and see massive success. 

But you have to let yourself do it, think it, and see it. 

Guess what… 

You CAN empower your team to operate the business each day. So you can step back and do the work you love. 

You CAN allow yourself to take time off. And you CAN pay yourself well. 

You CAN streamline your services and processes for higher profit margins. 

You CAN attract ideal clients that are happy to pay what you ask, want to work with you, and DO the work it takes to see the results they want with their dog. 

I had a client tell me this last night…

“I had three people sign up… and people say that they don’t care how much, they just want to work with me! I’m so excited for this transition away from the daycare!” WOW – that’s what it is all about. Knowing your value so deeply that people can SEE it and WANT it without question. 

They will figure out how to pay whatever you ask because they KNOW it will be worth it. 

This is not unusual for my clients. 

If this is a transformation you’d like to experience, I’ve got a special one-page cheat sheet that you’ll LOVE that outlines all the important factors of a multi-six-figure business – send me a private message with your email & your revenue goal for 2021 –> http://m.me/inesbmcneil (Please give me a day or two to get back to you, I’m getting lots of messages!)

(NOTE: This is only for people that have earned at least $8k in one month in the last 12 months. If you’re not quite there yet, no worries! 

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