What’s keeping you from reaching $20K-$30K months as a dog trainer? 

Since I have the privilege of working with hundreds of professional dog trainers each year, I get some insights into what’s really happening in the industry.

I get to see what holds a LOT of people back from reaching their goals. Some issues are standing out really clearly to me these days. 

We get into dog training because we love the dogs and behavior. We love seeing the relationships develop between our clients and their pups. 

What we don’t realize is that being a business owner comes with its own challenges… 

Which of these are you stuck in? Which of these do you need to overcome to achieve the impact you’re hoping for in your community? 

Because making $20k-$30k a month isn’t just about the money – it means you’re actually being SEEN in your community and valued for the knowledge and skills you have to share. 

Are you… reliant on inconsistent referrals? Not having an established potential client generation process to attract your ideal clients with whom you can have the biggest and most fulfilling impact? 

Are you… lacking confidence in selling your services? And not charging enough because you fear the word “no”? 

Are you… stuck doing ALL the things – helping clients, answering the phone/emails, running your social media, updating your website, etc? Lacking a team that is confident taking work off your plate? 

This is OKAY – and it’s normal. Its actually a sign you are seeing success and it is time to LEVEL up! So exciting! 

But it can also quickly burn you out. And fizzle out your spark for your work. Which in my opinion is the worst case scenario. 

We need you out there helping people and pups. The community needs you. We need more examples of success and impact in this industry. 

If you’re at this stage, you have what it takes. You just need a few tweaks to truly create your ideal business. 

One that allows you to take time off whenever you want. 

One that let’s you focus on the work you love rather than the “busy work.”

One that builds wealth for your family while serving your community in a way that really lights you up. 

One that allows you to be an industry leader with time for side projects and speaking events!

If this sounds like you, let’s talk about what’s in store for you in 2021. I have a program starting up soon for 6-figure dog trainers that want to grow to multi-six figures with ease and without more work. 

Curious? Let’s chat to see if it makes sense for you -> send me a private message on Facebook -> http://m.me/inesbmcneil

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