I used to think that all I needed was the right strategy. I love strategy. I have a unique ability to understand the big picture and break it down in to a plan. It is my jam. I get the big picture. And I get the logistics. The older I get, the more I realize how unique of a skill this is.

If you’re like me, you’re probably thinking that all you need is the exact play-by-play actions you need to take to be successful. If only someone could just hand over the instructions, you’ll have that breakthrough.

What’s understated about success is that it honestly comes down to mindset. I didn’t even know what mindset was when I was first getting started with my own business. Its only just now becoming a mainstream term and its worth understanding what mindset really is because it will literally be the difference between your reaching “success” and not.

I love logistics. I want to know the exact “how.” I’m all about processes and procedures – in case you haven’t noticed with my popular Dog Training Client Lifecycle Roadmap Bundle...

But what’s made the undeniable and surprising difference in my business has been adopting an intentional mindset.

What is an intentional solo-entrepreneur’s mindset?

As a service-based, dog business owner – you’re basically a solo-entrepreneur. You’re the CEO and the service provider. And you’re the customer service. And the pooper-scooper. You do it alllllll.

It is hard. But it can get easier once you realize that you have to be the CEO first and foremost. As the CEO you have to have a vision for your business.

But you can’t make a vision you believe in unless you’re aware of the mindset you’re bringing to the table.

Mindset includes, but isn’t limited to…

  • The beliefs you have about your capabilities (conscious or subconscious)
  • The way you show up to work on your business each and every day
  • The thoughts you choose to think about your life
  • The way you present yourself to your clients

It feels like every week I become more and more aware of the impact my mindset has on myself, my family, and my business. If I’m not conscious about my thoughts and beliefs, then its easy to spiral into the “what ifs” and be emotionally dragged around by my fearful, life-protecting lizard brain.

Thankfully, I don’t have a knife to my throat so I’m not actually in a life or death situation and I can make decisions about what I want to think, believe, and act.

Your mindset could be leading you astray from your goals without even knowing it. What can you do today to become conscious of your thouhts? To regain awareness? To show up in the best possible way for your clients? To show up in the best possible way for your family?

It’s simple, but it isn’t easy. You just have to journal – simply write down the thoughts that come to mind so you can evaluate whether or not these thoughts are empowering you to take the appropriate actions or inhibiting you from stepping up.

Even if you don’t like writing – no one but you is going to read these words. Just get your thoughts down on paper and you’ll immediately experience a renewed sense of control, hope, and inspiration.

Your brain will try to make you resist this exercise. Tell it that it’s okay. This is just an experiment. Its just to “see what happens.” I’ve got some prompts to get your started:

  1. *What is ONE thought that is not serving me right now? What thought do I want to hold instead?*
  2. *What is one *result* I could accomplish today that would move me in the right direction?* (What could you get done today?)
  3. *What is one thing I could do today to put myself into a good mood?* (Music/ dance/ walk/ etc?)
  4. *If success was guaranteed, what vision would you have for your business? And how would you show up?*
  5. *What beliefs do I hold about myself that aren’t necessarily true/absolute? What beliefs do I want to hold about my capabilities instead?*

You started a business to help your community – four-legged and two-legged. They need you to show up right now. They don’t need another spiral of panic. Be the source of calm, consistent, confidence. It also happens to be the place you need to be mentally to come up with the best ideas for how to move your business forward.

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