After seeing these common trends in my clients, I thought it would be a good time to share these dos and don’ts so you don’t find yourself wasting time or energy in these ways.

DON’T Rely on Referrals for Business

You always want to have a lead (new client) generation strategy that is fully within your control. Many of my clients see success with referrals, but fail to have a back up plan in case referrals stop.

DO Have a Referral Program

You definitely should have an incentive to encourage clients to talk about you and promote you. You should also consistently network with other local service providers that serve the same clients so that you can have a powerful network and become a well-known local expert.

DON’T Rely on Getting New Clients All The Time

New clients are important, but don’t think that that is the only way to generate more revenue for your dog training business.

DO Stay in Touch With Existing Clients

Don’t underestimate the impact of staying in touch with your existing clients. They may need more help or simply keep you in mind next time a friend says they need help with their dog. Make sure you have a system to stay in touch with clients – trust me – they want to hear from you!

DON’T Waste Time on Social Media

Time and again, I see my clients constantly commenting on psts on socia media that are not moving their business forward. It’s easy to get sucked in! It gets me, too. Social media is important, but make sure you’re intentional about it.

DO Use Social Media to Your Advantage

Have a strategy in place to use social media to generate new clients for your dog training business. I have clients that generate new client inquiries EVERY DAY using the social media strategy I teach in my Clicks to Clients course. Stop scrolling and start creating to get more clients using this strategy:

DON’T Waste Time on Your Website

Trust me… It will NEVER be perfect. Hit publish and let it be. Focus on money generating tasks instead. Your website is your virtual storefront, it shows you exist, but make sure it doesn’t’ become an archive of long-winded explanations for everything you do. Keep it brief – and tell people to contact you. Use it to generate LEADS.

DO Build It and Let It Be (Or Hire It Out)

Your website could literally be one page and be enough for now. Tweaking it gives you the illusion of productivity – it keeps you from doing those scary, money-making activities you know you need to do.

Ready to take full control of your new client generation strategy? Want to generate new clients whenever you want? Check out my course: Clicks to Clients: Social Media for Dog Trainers

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