Dealing with the impact of the Coronavirus on your business has been a major shift to everyone. A lot of dog trainers have risen incredibly to the occasion, quickly learning how to effectively host online classes and lessons and drive income to their businesses. 

Facebook Live Webinar by Ines McNeil and Megan Wallace (Dogs Deciphered), Transcribed by Gem Sheps

However, some trainers find themselves struggling with adapting their communication to the new status quo. Effective online communication is an important skill for everyone to learn nowadays, and Megan Wallace B.S., CPDT-KA, CNWI, owner of Dogs Deciphered, joined me again this week to discuss how communication online is different than in person.

Be Direct 

You have to be able to clearly describe what you need your client to do when training online. In person you have the opportunity to demonstrate physically, but that can actually become a crutch. Online, you have to be able to give step-by-step, detailed instructions about the mechanics of dog training. 

“One of the reasons dog trainers struggle with online communication is because they think it’s going to be wildly different than training in person,” Wallace said. “There are differences, but we have to remember that we know a lot of this stuff already. Clearly explaining training methods takes practice, but it’s a skill we can all improve on over time.”

Find New Ways to Explain Training Mechanics

One of the biggest challenges in general for dog training clients is learning the mechanics. Communicating online can feel like a major barrier between your client and successful training. You have to be specific and explain step by step what you need your client to do in online lessons.

“When I started teaching nosework I didn’t have descriptive terms ready to explain things like a search area to clients,” Wallace said. “I was able to physically point out the boundaries. But since transitioning to online training, I’ve had to practice describing things to clients without being able to point things out in person. If you find that people are confused by what you’re saying, take the time to think about what you could say differently.”

Finding the right descriptive terms takes time as well, so don’t be afraid to reach out to other trainers and watch their webinars. You may hear an explanation that would work better for your clients or even makes more sense to you!

Find Substitutes for Body Language

We know as people who work with dogs that body language is a huge part of communication. In person we use body language to make ourselves more approachable, and you can do the same thing online. 

Communicating online can feel alienating at first, so you need to use other ‘body language’ tools to make clients feel more comfortable. For example — emojis! Adding facial expressions to the sentence you’re trying to explain can help clients interpret your writing and make it more relatable. Where it’s appropriate, add emojis to your content; this includes social media, texts, and even email.

“It is important to be aware of what does and doesn’t work in text,” Wallace said. “I’m someone who likes to use humor to lighten the mood, but in an email it may not come off the way I intended. Especially if you’re approaching a serious topic, consider writing out what you need to say and then sit on it; leave it in your drafts for a few hours, then come back and read it again — preferably out loud. You might come to find that something you think is funny written down may not translate well out loud, and your client can pick up on those nuances. Written humor can come off as flippant or sarcastic, which is risky.”

Over-Communication is Key

You need to be more thorough in explaining things online, especially in written conversation. In order to feel confident in training, clients may need direct links to products they should purchase, or for you to explain how to set up their training space.

“Your client may not have any of the skills in their arsenal that you expect them to have,” Wallace said. “Over-communicate online. Never assume that your client understands even the most basic concepts without talking to them first, even if it feels repetitive.” 

Of course, use your best judgement with each client. Some people can get agitated by being over-communicated to if they feel they understand the concept. However, those who need the extra reminders and suggestions will be grateful. 

“It’s easy to get distracted from training when the trainer isn’t in the room, and staying focused on technology can be hard,” Wallace said. “Rather than explaining a concept once and risking your client missing a bit, bring the concept up throughout lessons and make sure they have a higher chance of succeeding.”

Improve Your Dog Training Business

Master communication so that clients literally love you, never ask for refunds, and can’t stop talking about you to their friends. Learn from this month’s guest, Megan Wallace B.S., CPDT-KA, CNWI, about how to communicate confidently for better results in your dog training business.


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