This week I answered some great questions that I hear all the time so I wanted to address them!

Giving Away Too My Free Advice?

You’re showing up regularly online to develop a reputation and connecting with potential clients, but where do you draw the line with giving away free information?

Won’t they just take your tips and never hire you?

Think about this:

Why does an expert baker give away their secret recipe in a cookbook?

1) People still prefer the convenience of you doing it for them
2) To reach people outside of their local area
3) Develop notoriety
4) People still prefer to have their hands held

Stop worrying about giving away your “secret sauce.” You ARE the secret sauce and no one can take that away. When people are ready to experience the magic of working with you, they will.

There will come a time when they are tired of doing a DIY approach.

There will come a time when they’ll be ready to see change and finally get the answers for their specific situation.  When they’ll want their hands held through the process by someone the like and trust – YOU!

But in order to become known, liked, and trusted – they have to get to know you first and that means showing up consistently with confidence.

That being said – do NOT forget to tell people how they can hire you. I see this all the time. You’re giving away great info and then forget to add where they can go to sign up for more and officially become a client. Remember that showing up online is part of a marketing strategy to generate new business, not just to be a nice person.

Are Packages Necessary as a Dog Trainer?

Are you selling one-off dog training lessons? I’ll ask you – is that really what’s best in order to get the best results for the dog, for the client, and for your reputation? The answer is definitely not. Very rarely is a single lesson enough for a client to resole all of their dog training challenges.

If you’re finding yourself selling the next lesson at the end of each lesson, this is exhausting for you and NOT the best expierence for the client. They just want what’s best adn want to reach their goals as fast a possible. Asking them at each lesson if they want to continue is exhausting for them too!

The might think… When will the lessons end? Is this just a ploy to get more money each time? How long will this last? Am I making enough progress to justify yet another lesson?

Your clients are busy – as we all are – and they likely suffer from decision fatigue, too. Do them a favor and sell them a package that will make them most likely to be successful. Stop asking them if they want to keep going at the end of each lesson. It is not a good client experience if you think of it from their perspective.

Another issue with one-off lessons is that it gives the impression that they can have all their questions resolved in one lesson. In dog training, we know this is very unlikely. There are far too many variables to consider and account for and address to see massive, long-lasting impact.

New eBook! “5 Steps to Scale Your Business & Eliminate the Hustle”

In this new eBook, I’ve pulled together some of the most common recommendations I share with my coaching students. I often see trends in what I suggest to common issues so I wanted to put that together into an eBook to share with the rest of you.

In this eBook, you’ll discover

  • How To Be Resolute About Your Time
  • How To Develop a Clear Vision
  • How to Effectively Implement Elimination & Delegation
  • Important Aspects to Consider When Restructuring for Profitability
  • How To Be Intentional About Your Mindset To Enjoy Your Business More

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